How to: Bridge Halo 2
Bridging in Halo 2 on XBOX Live is the act of giving a friend host by manipulating the system. It can be hard to learn, but with a proper tutorial, it will become easy. There are two ways to bridge. The one I will discuss here is bridging through a router. You can also bridge through a crossover cable, but this is harder, and takes more equiptment. When I learned how to bridge, I didn't understand the technical terms, so this tutorial is all in layman's terms. Here it goes:
Is Your Setup Right?:
Internet comes out of a hole in the wall. From the hole in the wall, a wire goes into a box. From the box, more wires go out. One wire goes to your computer. Another wire goes to your XBOX. This is the proper setup. If you don't have this setup, you can't bridge through a router. But if you do, you can proceed to the next step.
Acquiring & Installing Software:
Bridging requires two pieces of software. They are called Cain & Abel and Zone Alarm Pro. Cain is free, but Zone Alarm Pro (or ZAP, for short) costs money, assuming you obtain it legally. First, install ZAP. Follow on-screen instructions, and it's self explanatory. You will have to restart your computer. Next, install Cain & Abel. If it asks, you DO need to install the packet driver. Now you have all the software. Proceed to the next step.
Setting Up Software:
ZAP is self-explanatory, but Cain is harder. To set up Cain, for our purposes, is a detailed proccess. I will guide you through the steps:
1) Sign into XBOX Live.
2) Open up Cain.
3) Press the "Sniffer" tab at the top.
4) Press the "Enable Sniffer" button. It is the button directly to the left of the yellow "Poison" button.
5) Press the blue cross button.
6) A box should appear. Check "All hosts in my subnet" and push "OK".
7) Press the "APR" subtab at the bottom of the screen.
8) Click anywhere in the top white box. This will cause the blue plus button to be available.
9) Click the blue plus button. A box will pop up.
10) Select the top IP address on the left side. More IP addresses will pop up on the right side.
11) Highlight all IP addresses on the right side, then click "OK."
12) IP addresses should appear, and they should be "Idle."
13) Highlight all IP addresses that appear, and click the yellow "Poison" button in the top left corner.
14) Status shoud change from "Idle" to "Poisoning." Then, IP addresses should slowly start popping up in the bottom window.
15) If all you followed the above steps, you are ready to start bridging.
Bridging Host:
1) Find the person who you want to bridge host. Have him go create a party by himself. This is VERY IMPORTANT.
2) Join his party.
3) Go to Zone Alarm Pro and click the "Firewall" tab on the left.
4) Click the "Zones" tab at the top right.
5) Click the "Add" button at the bottom right, and select "IP address."
6) Add Bungie's IP address. It should show up in Cain, and it is currently Put it in your trusted zone and name it "Bungie". Always keep this in your trusted zone, and you will only have to do this step once.
7) Now find the IP address of the person you are giving host. Use Cain, and ask him to go to if you are not sure which IP is his. When you find out his IP, add it to your trusted zone the same way you added Bungie's IP in step 6.
8) Click "Apply" in the bottom right hand corner.
9) Go to the "Main" tab at the top right, and then set your "Internet" firewall to "High" and your "Trusted" to "Medium."
10) Have your friend start the game. He will get host, automatically! If you did everything right, you will get empty boxes in the MatchMaking screen at Step 2, and you will never join someone else's game, you will create your own and wait for other "yellow quares" to join it. Digg This!
Excellent tutorial, great job!!
11:56 PM
hey man this better work or ill slap u
1:33 AM
i set up everything right. .well i think. .but when i do steps 1-6 for cain. . no IP addresses pop up. .only mine. .i dont know whats wrong. .
help? thanks
3:16 PM
Do any IP addresses pop up on the BOTTOM screen? If not, or if only yours does, there are three potential problems.
1) You are not in someone's party on XBOX Live.
2) You're status reads "idle" instead of "poisoning" (in this case, click the yellow poison button).
3) You need to go back to Step 11, and add ALL the IP addresses on the right side.
If this still doesn't work, IM me and we'll talk specifics. My AIM is on the button on the right side of the blog.
5:27 PM
hey i think i did everything right but when i set the ip address to poisoning it signs me out of live and says its having problems conneting. could you tell me why this happens? thanx
6:40 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
7:22 PM
This worked perfect for me! IM me at pinehurst1617 and I can help with details! Great tut!
10:46 PM
do u need zone alarm pro beacause i only have zone alarm?
3:46 PM
honestly i'm not sure, but i think you need Pro. i would suggest acquiring Zone Alarm Pro. ;)
4:39 PM
only sometimes does my friend get host?!?1?!?! its not working and i did it all 4 times
11:49 AM
When you go into matchmaking, do you get empty boxes, or do you join
someone's yellow boxes? If you get empty boxes, you are doing it right. To
ensure you are doing it right, go into matchmaking and cancel about 5
times. Empty boxes each time = probably success.
this should work, but i havent tried it (my bridge is already set up). These are basically the steps I did though...check your work.
3:52 PM
Hey my friends are not getting host? what am i doing wrong?
12:03 AM
Hmm...IM me at cheesybread92 and give me details, and we'll do some troubleshooting. I KNOW this works.
6:43 PM
When I try step 10 only one pops up on the right and I did everything right. Will you help me?
12:58 AM
If only one pops up on the right, that's OK. Just keep on going with the tutorial. It's a rare case, but if only one pops up, just choose that one and keep on going.
11:43 AM
hey when i click the plus sign and check off all hosts in subsent or w/e this thing popps up saying scanning MAC addresses and it keeps going do i wait or what?!?!?!
6:39 PM
hey when i click the plus sign and check off all hosts in my subnet a box comes up and says scanning MAC addresses but it takes hours and hours instead off couple of seconds wots up with it????
7:15 AM
hey this works great, but i was wondering if it is possible to bridge two people host or can two people bridge each other host???
8:31 PM
Ok, well i Cain & Abel and ZoneAlarm and i do everything exactly how it says but when i get the persons ip address and join their party and go into matchmaking i don't get box host and i don't know what i'm donig wrong. and does it matter if you set up all the stuff before you get in the other persons party? you can i'm me at thirty6chambers9
10:55 PM
how do u find bungies IP adress
9:29 PM
When ever i get the software running it makes everything laggy and it never loads my friends so i can get to my friends party.. everything is just really slow and a can do anything.. please HELP
9:37 PM
when ever i run the poising thing on cain i lag out from the party and ip adresses dont come up either
9:44 PM
when ever i start posing i cant do anything on xbox live
9:54 PM
@9:29 PM:
To find Bungie's IP, go into a party on XBL with no one in it, and look for IP addresses. Bungie's will be the one starting with a 59 or a 60-somthing, most likely.
@ 9:37 PM and 9:44 PM
Make sure you join someone elses party, and add them to your trusted list beforehand. Otherwise, I don't know what to say...Try rereading the tut?
9:54 PM
After asking some other bridges i fuguried it out thanks a lot for this website it helped me a lot. i had my trused on med and my other oin high thats why i kept getinng som much lag. but anyways thanks i can bridge anytime now
2:56 PM
this works through a router right
email me if it does @
3:29 PM
does this work through a router also
3:30 PM
can you use a DSL modem instead of a router
11:03 PM
i hate jews
12:07 AM
on step nine, the box that popps up doesnt have any ip addresses. what am i doing wrong?
7:55 PM
10:15 AM
Im on step 6 and its been like an hour or two and im only at 5% is it supposed to take this long
2:28 AM
I need help with this. I keep gettin stuck in step 9. I click on the plus sign and it say "you need at least two hosts to set a APR entry" what is that and how do i put it.
Right after that a box comes out its called "New ARP Poison Routing".
11:30 PM
hey i cliked on the blue cross and it takes foeve xbox live account is godsmacck360 can u plz add me and tell me
6:25 PM
hey i was wondering if its possible to still bridge with a computer thats wireless , cause my xbox is in my room and that computers connection is wireless.
8:30 PM
hey i was wondering if its possible to still bridge with a computer thats wireless , cause my xbox is in my room and that computers connection is wireless.
8:31 PM
you noobs, just follow his tutorial strictly and it works
11:50 AM
Well I have a number of questions about briding and the problems i'm getting so if you could e-mail me at id appreciate it
1:25 PM
we get box host but wen the hame starts the person im bridging dusnt get host
and it is his ip addres
9:24 AM
I like a few others who have posted have the time problem, when scanning MAC addresses in Step 6, it takes hours, is there something else i should do ?
2:58 AM
Hell yea dude ty so much
10:41 PM
my name is mike my halo gamertag is canestrari, I was wondering when I added the IPs of bungie and the party leader: before or after I joined the party? Do I poison on Cain and Abel while I am in the party with them?
8:50 PM
can you bridge with just one ethernet cord, because, my computer is wireless, and my xbox has the ethernet cable!!! i need help!!!
1:08 PM
i cant find were 2 put the ips in
zone alarm pro.
1:23 PM
how to use bride on halo 2 with a router which are linked to two computers.
email me at
12:31 PM
when i hit run sniffer it gives an error saying unable to open winpcap driver: system caqn not find the device. ive reinstalled and everything.. same error everytime.. ftw.. can anyone tell me whats wrong?
5:35 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.
5:38 PM
ke doesnt work omgomgomgomgomgomgomg
1:00 AM
i wish i would have read that last night i was going to bridge a modder and get like a freaken 38!!!!
10:21 PM
does it have to be zone alarm pro or just zone alarm??
5:38 PM
This all waorks, you can download a 15 day trial of zone alarm pro at! this is all easy
8:35 PM
why is it taking so long to scan all subnet hosts on cain shoudl it be taking so long? whats wrogn with it?
2:35 PM
when i click on all the IP adresses and press the poison it says its poisoning but it doesn't drop in to the window below and then it hits me off Xbox Live.
6:22 PM
Do you deffinitaly ned the cain program???
12:11 AM
I did everything you said, but when I get to the cain part, when I am poisoning, it wont let me do anything on xbox live, and will kick me off xbox live within 1 minute, then, when I go to set my security setting on high before the game, that will also kick me off xbox live...... can you help me with a setting or something?
10:42 PM
12:53 PM
yo man can i use a wireless broadband router also or do i need to use standard
10:01 PM
Hey when i get on xbox live to play halo or anything else i plug my lan cord directly into my xbox. When I want to bridge I plug my lan cord into my router along with an ethernet cord that connects the xbox 360 to the router. I can bridge however it lags my connection on halo really badly. Do you know of anyway I can fix this so i can bridge host and not lag i dont mod or anything i just bridge so i cant get modded or stand byed please help thank u
9:28 PM
Im the one that said about the lan cord and it making my halo connection could you please add me on xbox live my gamertag is EddieT23 no spaces thank you very much
9:31 PM
hey please help add XxWetzel43xX thts my gamertag i need help bridging im pretty close to almost getting it to work but i need help please.
AIM Dwetzel34
2:33 AM
How do you bridge people out?
10:30 PM
Nice info on the ip deal..wish more knew about this too!
6:46 PM
hasnt worked 4 me yet
10:48 PM
Well, I'm ready to give up on this. I did everything to a T...... I'm alwayse getting booted myself & never once got host boxes. Wheather I'm poisoning or not, my xbox is loosing connection. I thought I was doing great & understand everything but I guess not..... Do I have to trust only bungie's IP & my friend's IP that I want to bridge or do I have to trust my computer IP or my xbox IP???? I've heard of other software other than CAIN thats better or is it cause I'm on an XBOX360??????
4:40 PM
Gamertag is " Mr Loots "
4:58 PM
Or is it because I'm using a Router?
4:58 PM
ok if only you ip shows up on cain wen ur poisoning that means u didn't put ur firewall on medium on zone alarm if u left it on high and poisoned while in the party then u lagged out causing your ip to show up wen u bridge u gotta put your firewall on medium, then poison find the ip and add it to trusted then click apply then go back and put your firewall on high again after u put your friends ip in trusted. then u can start the game
any more help add my xbl account
xZ LyTeZ ouT
10:35 PM
i would like to know wut are the bungie ip's cause that is all i am missing
11:44 PM
just from experience you have to have host to bridge on any map if u do not u will be kicked out but if you get host or have sombody else bridge you host then you can bridge
11:47 PM
Its all working fine for me. only tried in in 2 games so far but seems to be working ok. i only had zone alarm i didnt buy the pro stuff u dont need it
10:13 PM
hey everytime i go to poison the idle ip's it doesnt go to the bottom screen and i get signed off xbox live can you help aim F00TBALLisLIFE62
3:24 PM
Yeah if an expeirenced bridger could get me host that would be great. Its just not working for me.
GT [The Black Creed]
PS its my 5th account
7:49 PM
When I poison the IP Address not any pop up except mine, but if i get the guys IP Address and put it in Zone Alarm, it works!
11:53 PM
so you can not bridge with a router
9:31 PM
i read in an other tut that u might bridge with a router,
and my question is, i got a laptop but it only got 1 ethernet...does anybody know how i can get 2??
its important,thx
12:08 PM
do i need zone alarm??
why doesnt it work with other programs? if yes, are there legal programs for free?
12:10 PM
this is a great tutorial.. everything works fine on my end. anyone know if you can use Net Tools to force host?
7:06 PM
I suspect the removed posts said something close to what I'm going to say:
Bridging circumvents the optimal-host choosing algorithm that is normally used. doing so is against the EULA and, really, if anyone of you is going to be honest about it you're only doing this in order to gain some advantage; it's cheating.
Matchmaking is a good system to match up people of similar skill levels; ordinarily, people wouldn't play against cheaters. Nobody would voluntarily play against a bridger.
I only hope systems are put into place so players can choose not to play with known cowards. Until then, you can shove your bridging software straight up your >blam<.
12:53 AM
What if you're just going solo and you don't have a team? Can you still bridge?
12:07 AM
Hey ok im not stupid im not a noob i did everything strictcly on that tut. one problem i get boxes every game and i am doing everything rite but when it gets to step 3 i go strait back to step 1. my friend said there was an update or something and/or bungie has a new ip but either way i cant bridge any help? my aim is CrazyLineBacker45 if anyone can help me i would appreciate it plzz thank you
7:13 PM
The old method of bridging has stopped working after the halo 1.5 autoupdate. However, there is a new way to bridge except very few people know it, me being one of them.
7:55 PM
theres a new way? if so when will it be available to the public?
8:20 PM
same problem...goes to stepp 3 and ocmes back to step 1....any help...msn me at
8:21 PM
wat ips do u need too have in trusted ?
11:38 PM
This is RETARDED... Everything works perfectly fine until the game starts. The person I'm bridging too is NOT getting host and then I lagg out as soon as the game starts...
3:16 AM
This is RETARDED. Sometimes it'll give us the right #2 screen, but sometimes it'll throw us into yellow boxes. It won't ever give the person I want host, and it'll lagg me out as soon as the game starts...
3:24 AM
Do you get banned for bridging?
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